Sunday 5 May 2013

Fort Scratchley - Newcastle

Last Saturday (27th April) after my sons football game in Newcastle we thought we would head to FORT SCRATCHLEY the now historic coastal defence installation at Newcastle.  It was built in 1882 to defend the city against a possible Russian attack.
If you would like to know more about the heritage of FORT SCRATCHLEY please head to their website .
First off we had the underground tunnel tour. Unfortunately this tour is NOT pram or wheel chair friendly =( We had to carry master 6 months for the whole hour and half of the guided tour. Lucky he was a good little Munchkin.
The First door on the left is where we entered for the guided tour of the Tunnels.
Below will be a selection of photos taken from inside the tunnels, with the tour descriptions.

On the Left are the Air holes the write about in the photo before.
And these were the lights used.
This is the Magazine.

The tunnels had a real eerie feel to them.

After the Guided Tunnel tour we continued our self guided tour outside.


These guns were responsible for returning fire on the Japanese Submarine that shelled Newcastle in 1942.
The building directly in front to the back was the Barracks that were constructed in 1886.
To the right Is the Soldiers mess, known to us as a canteen.
And to the left was the Old Guard house.
I have many more photos that you can view from our day out at FORT SCRATCHLEY on my facebook page. Please head to
Information used on this blog post was sourced from the Fort Scratchley Phamplet we were given on the day of the tour.
Please note: All these photos have been take by myself Rebecca Baker, they are my property. If you wish to use them PLEASE email me. Please do not copy or reuse MY images without my permission. Thanks xx

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